Using and Understanding Capacitors oor "Caps"

A Dutch scientist, Pieter van Musschenbroek, is credited with inventing the capacitor more than 200 years ago.  It is interesing that history of Science and Technology often demonstrates that inventions continue to evolve and develop.  The capacitor was at first a curiosity, but now fills a fundamental role in modern electronics.  Capacitors are complex electronic components which reveal something of the fascinating behaviour of the electron.  The screen of a touchscreen on the computer tablet operates as one side of a large capacitor.  Some of the very large batteries that store power from wind turbines are just very large capacitors!  Please read this week's Tasks and Activities.

  • In this photograph, the orange capacitor has been inserted to supress electronic "noise"generated by the motor.
  •  When the motor stops or reverses it can generate an electromagnetic radiation signal which sometimes interferes with the logic circuit of the controlling circuit board.


  • In this model of the a Christmas tree with flashing LED lights, the capacitors store an electric charge for a brief period.
  • The printed circuit board shows that the capacitors have a Unit value of 22 microfarads.  The unit of measurement is named after the English scientist, Michael Faraday.
  • This is a schematic diagram of an electronic circuit that produces a 5 volt output.
  • Capacitors are vital components and have a number of varied functions.  They also show that the electron has a complex behaviour when it is used in a circuit.
  • The electron is a fundamental particle of the atom.
  • A more complex description of the functions of a capacitor is contained on the Sparkfun website.

Tasks and Activities

  1. What is a "capacitor" ( please do not copy or paste an Internet definition )
  2. What is the significance of the name used to measure the size of a capacitor? ( Hint -- a famous scientist )
  3. What is one function of the capacitor in an electronic circuit?  (Hint! Read the dot points above)


  1. There are two types of capacitor.  What are they? ( Hint! Look at the schematic diagram above )

Don't forget to email your choices/answers to Mr. Widmer by the end of this week.  Keep a copy of that email in your Google Docs folder.