Geogebra - What Quadrilateral shape is exactly 10 square units?

In this activity we will investigate shapes that have exactly positive (+ve ) 10 square units.

  1. Load this Geogebra file

You should see this rectangle.

  1.  Now move the point labelled "D" to the vertical co-ordinate line.

You should see this shape



  1. What is the co-ordinate of Point B?
  2. What is the length of the line starting at (0,0) and finishing at Point D?
  1. Change the quadrilateral shape by moving point D again.  The area of the shape must remain at 10 square units.
  2. Save your edited shape in your "Maths is boring" folder.
  3. Email a copy of your Geogebra shape to your teacher.
  4. Do you think this shape is still a polygon?