Wilsons Promontory

You may return to Wilsons Promontory many times and find something different on each occasion.  Try completing a circuit that includes Sealers Cove and Waterloo Bay.  We passed fern gullies, coastal heathlands and the relentless wash of the sea.

many walkers have followed this route, and now the board-walks protect the damp ground of the forest Sealers Cove has a shallow protected beach .. but we have further to walk at last we reach Refuge Cove
our evening camp site at Little Waterloo Bay is just visible try spotting this orchid on the coastal track the azure sea after we descend Kersops Peak
the relentless sea of Bass Strait washes Waterloo Bay the blue Lobelia has 3 distinctive petals certainly you will find heaths in this sandy country

These photographs were taken in January 2002