Baw Baw Plateau

Overlooking Melbourne's water supply dam and the historic Walhalla Goldfield, the Baw Baw Plateau is a popular destination for Cross Country skiers in winter.  In summer, rainstorms and sun swathe this most southerly outpost of the Alpine ranges.

At the end of summer, the bearded heath produces masses of colorful berries Sphagnum bogs lie on the poorly drained granite plateau a beautiful meadow of Richea heath and little lakes forms a difficult barrier for walkers
a thick mist shrouds the track as we climb to Mt Whitelaw on this wet day, dozens of huge worms lie on the track Mt Gwinear often stands above the fog of the Gippsland plain
the Alpine Gentian flowers in the late summer on the high alpine meadows the relentless southerly wind knits the bows of the Snow gums at last we reach the aptly named mushroom rocks below Mt Erica

These digital images were taken in late February, 2000