The Wonderland Circuit

The popular routes from Halls Gap travel through the Wonderland.  On this day in October we counted more than 70 different species of plants that were in flower.  Deep rock crevasses are, however, the principal attraction.

Leucopogon neurophyllum has prominent nerves .. and a prickly tip it is easy to recognize Pultenea scabra from its interesting leaf shape Pimelea flava is sometimes called the Rice flower
Grevillea aquifolium is a popular garden plant in Melbourne will we ever get out of the Wonderland canyon? at last we can see where we started in Halls Gap
we saw two falls for the price of one at Turret Falls how can anybody climb the Elephant's hide? Leptospermum nitidum or the Shiny tea tree produces masses of white flowers

These pictures were taken in October 2000