A Very Short History of Robotics and Programmable Devices!

The word "robot"was first invented and used by the Capek brothers in the 1920s.  Now, almost 100 years later it is widely used.  The idea of a robot as an independent thinking machine was developed by the scientist Isasc Asimov.  He even wrote a law for robots.   The word "robot" is not always used carefully.  On this web page, the word "robot" defined as a "machine that thinks".  For the purposes of this web page, "thinking" is defined as the ability to make a decision.


  • The "IF" decision block lies at the core of any thinking machine.
  • The thinking is very simple.  It makes a decision based on the comparison of two values.
  • Computer programmers often use "pseudo code" that don't have the specific structures.  A pseudo code example would look like this IF Temperature is too hot, Turn on the fan ELSE Turn off the fan)
  • Since there are only two choices possible, this is called "binary" thinking.

Tasks and Activities

  1. You will have chosen a "programming" language to learn.  You must take a screen capture or rewrite an example of an "IF" statement from the language you are studying.  Here are some examples of how an IF test is used in different programming settings.
  2. Who is Isaac Asimov?
  3. What are Asimov's 3 laws for robots? Why are they important?
  4. IF Decision Blocks are sometimes replaced with CASE statements.  What is the name of the programming language you are learning?  Does it have CASE statements?
  5. Write an IF test that will send a message if the temperature in your room becomes too hot! (Hint  -- Look at the example in point 1. above )

Don't forget to email your choices/answers to Mr. Widmer by the end of this week.  Keep a copy of that email in your Google Docs folder.