Logo - Investigating 180-sided Shapes

Logo is a computer programming language.  Let's get the computer to do some work.

  1. Now that we have drawn a 3 sided shaped, let's make a four sided shape.
  2. Logo can repeat the command 4 times by writing this command
repeat 4 [ fd 100 rt 90 ]
You should see this!
  1. Try changing the values in the repeat command and draw the triangle once more.
  2. Use the Repeat command to find the angle for hexagon ( 6-sided ) shape.  What number would you use with the repeat command?
  3. A student in another class has kept a spreadsheet file showing the angles used and the number of sides.  Can you fill in the missing numbers?
  4. If you get stuck .. just load this Logo file and run the command "numbergon".  You can edit the "numbergon" file and explore shapes that have many sides.  Can you see a way to draw a 720 sided file?


repeat 3 [ fd 100 rt ??? ] -- of course you have to remember the angle!